Abdominal pain!

Dear Yemisi,
My wife is carrying a three-month-old pregnancy and she has been complaining of abdominal pains. She went to the hospital where a test was carried out.

The result of the test was that she has infection. Consequently, she was given some drugs.

I later asked her if the doctor told her anything and she said no.

Please, what should I do?


Anonymous, 07032848382.


Dear Mr Anonymous,

I doubt if I understood the basis for your question.

According to your letter, she went to the hospital based on what she was going through and she was told she had an infection which she was treated for.

What other information do you need? Are you suspecting your wife of hiding any fact from you? If this is your view, why not lay your suspicion on the table? From the question you have asked, it appears to me that you were not convinced of her doctor’s claim of having contracted an infection.

She might not have understood your question, you have to shed more light on this so that she could further explain to you. If you are not satisfied with her explanation, nothing stops you from seeing her doctor for answer to your question.