Gentle Touch, Campfire in Omoye Tango

General Manager, Natures Gentle Touch, Chijioke Anaele, remarked that, Omoye speaks to one of the most disregarded and pressing issues in Nigeria, for which all hands must be on deck to get rid of, for a saner, healthier society.

The movie, Omoye, will be released to the cinemas on October 27. The film is about a tale of a hardworking and relentless young lady, who, unfortunately, gets into a relationship with a man that never takes responsibility for anything. With abuse and violence increasing everyday, she becomes emotionally and mentally drained, but still won’t give up on her marriage.

On the theme of the movie, the Director and Co-producer, Uche Chukwu, said: “That the flick connects with victims of domestic violence, especially in the ghettos. Though, in recent times, we have seen victims come out to speak about their experiences, what about the woman in Ajegunle, Makoko, Egbeda, who considers it a prerogative of the rich to speak out against domestic violence? Omoye, will give voice to these voiceless majority, which is why we deliberately chose the location and the kind of story to tell.”

Chukwu added, “We are just trying to do something that will make people have a rethink about their actions. After the cinemas we are planning to do community screening where people can watch because this sort of awareness should not only remain in cinemas where only the privilege can watch.”

Producer of the movie, Rotimi Salami, who also played a role in the movie said, I always told myself that if I weres going to make a film, it would be one that will reach out to everybody and domestic violence is a major issue in Nigeria that can never be over-flogged.

We also told our story in a different way, by adapting a real life situation, into a movie. The major issue is to be a tool for change in this country and the world at large.”

One of the major actors, Kiki Omieli also added, “As soon as I received the script, I knew it was something I was going to jump at. People think this issue is over flogged but then on social media, everyday, we see cases of domestic violence so the need to continue to tell these stories in a bid to actually put a stop to them, is necessary.”

General Manager, Natures Gentle Touch, Chijioke Anaele, remarked that, Omoye speaks to one of the most disregarded and pressing issues in Nigeria, for which all hands must be on deck to get rid of, for a saner, healthier society.

He said: “Our partnership with Campfire Films is one of the ways Natures Gentle Touch seeks to promote the confidence and self-esteem of Nigerian women, who majorly are our target market and unfortunately, often at the receiving end of domestic violence. We are convinced that everybody will benefit from a sane and stable society. The movie is one movie that will contribute in arousing public consciousness about the vice, thereby helping to shape orientation for a better Nigerian society devoid of violence.”